Thursday, October 13, 2011

Meltup - a documentary


The National Inflation Association has released the economic documentary called "Meltup." The documentary is a sequel to NIA's critically acclaimed "Hyperinflation Nation" and the documentary "The Dollar Bubble".

“Meltup" features Gerald Celente, Peter Schiff, Ron Paul, Marc Faber, Jim Rogers, Tom Woods, and others. The documentary proves thorough facts and statistics about how hyperinflation in the U.S. is now inevitable and how Americans could soon see the end of entitlement programs they have become dependent on to live and survive.

NIA believes ‘Meltup’ is the most important economic documentary ever produced in world history and a must-see for you, your friends, and family members.

The U.S. economy is currently experiencing a "Meltup" and NIA believes this "Meltup" is a prelude to a currency collapse and hyperinflation. Our economy needs to experience a "Meltdown" so that the free market can rebalance it, but by trying to prevent a much needed recession, the Federal Reserve has made a massive devaluation of the U.S. dollar inevitable.

U.S. citizens have not yet felt the pain of the government bailouts, which have deceptively transferred the wealth of the middle class to bankers on Wall Street under the ruse of "too big to fail." Institutions on Wall Street needed to fail in order to have a truly healthy economy. By bailing them out and rapidly expanding the size of government, we have sowed the seeds of a U.S. dollar hyperinflationary death spiral and the end of entitlement programs Americans have become dependent on to live and survive.

The National Inflation Association is an organization that is dedicated to preparing Americans for hyperinflation. The NIA offers free membership at and provides its members with articles about the economy and inflation, news stories, important charts not shown by the mainstream media; YouTube videos featuring Jim Rogers, Marc Faber, Ron Paul, Peter Schiff, and others; and profiles of gold, silver, and agriculture companies that they believe could prosper in an inflationary environment.

CONTACT: Gerard Adams, 1-888-99-NIA US, (1888-996-4287),

Watch "Melrup" on YouTube here:

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